Category Archives: Pen/Pencil Hold
Hands on Pencils
Recently I have been reading about pen(cil) holds. There are arguments about this or that finger position on the pen, but so far I see nothing about the quality of the hold. I do see photographs and drawings where even … Continue reading
Handwriting Instruction
Handwriting is a much publicized issue. Rightly so, if we consider the research into the cognitive advantages of learning to write by hand rather than relying on keyboards. I am aware of two companies that appear to be trying to … Continue reading
Scribbling is a key factor in pre-writing. Watch! Watch a child’s completely independent marks for clues as to how the hand moves to create images. Independent means that the child voluntarily picks up anything that will make a mark. Paper … Continue reading
News from Iceland
Too many years ago Gunnlaugar S E Briem encouraged the Iceland schools to adopt his italic handwriting program. Fast forward to now. The Ministry of Education in Iceland has formally adopted this fine program.
For You in the Snow Zone
This lesson helps with a child’s hold on writing tools. It requires that you find some tiny beads, such as little crystals to represent snow, and some cotton balls for snowballs. Demonstrate holding a cotton ball in the palm of … Continue reading
Please Look
I just had another look myself! Go to “Handwriting Repair.” This relates to what I wrote about cursive in November, and tells about handwriting in such a clear and imaginative way. Briem is a valued mentor to me.