Category Archives: Beginners
Hands on Pencils
Recently I have been reading about pen(cil) holds. There are arguments about this or that finger position on the pen, but so far I see nothing about the quality of the hold. I do see photographs and drawings where even … Continue reading
Big Letters—Little Letters
Big Letters—Little Letters Which to teach first? Some say uppercase because they are simpler, but are they? Others say lowercase because we use them the most. Have a look at history. In Roman times uppercase letters were carved on monuments. … Continue reading
Suggested Reading
Marion Richardson, Her life and her contribution to handwriting, by Dr. Rosemary Sassoon is one that I highly recommend to anyone interested in handwriting. Richardson, 1892-1947, was a dedicated instructor of handwriting. She believed that a model alphabet is needed … Continue reading
Scribbling is a key factor in pre-writing. Watch! Watch a child’s completely independent marks for clues as to how the hand moves to create images. Independent means that the child voluntarily picks up anything that will make a mark. Paper … Continue reading
Letters Make Words
A big day for my handwriting efforts as this app for the iPad is launched! Here’s Apple’s info:
“it makes so much sense”
The quote is from a homeschool mom who expresses her regret that she had not found the BFH program earlier for her son.
More Curious Cursive
There is so much misunderstanding about “cursive” writing that I am going to risk redundancy.. The original meaning of the word is flowing as a river flows, the course of the river, flowing freely. Before books were printed, they were … Continue reading
For You in the Snow Zone
This lesson helps with a child’s hold on writing tools. It requires that you find some tiny beads, such as little crystals to represent snow, and some cotton balls for snowballs. Demonstrate holding a cotton ball in the palm of … Continue reading
QUICK TIP For Pen/Pencil Hold
A relaxed hold needs an open palm. For young children ask them to write with a cotton ball held in the palm with the ring and little fingers. The writing finger drives the pencil; the thumb and third finger stabilize … Continue reading
Pencil hold help and fun for young hands: 1) Give a child or children some corn. Use candy corn or the hard corn found at this season. You could even cut up tiny bits of orange paper and pretend it’s … Continue reading